Saturday, August 14, 2010

gcc: error: expected `)' before '&' token

Duplicate post here just to get two related error messages into page titles. That's as much SEO as I know how to do.

If you get this error from g++, and everything looks correct to you, maybe you are defining a constructor without qualifying it with the class name. See the example on this post.

gcc: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token

I was scratching my head for a few minutes over the g++ error message in the title. Google turned up a couple of red herrings, like this one at Stack Overflow where a clueless noob #defined the name of his class.

My mistake had been to define a constructor without putting the Class:: in front of it:

    Class() // WRONG!!!
    : Super(), _duper()

instead of

    : Super(), _duper()

It wasn't as stupid as it sounds, I was cutting and pasting inlined functions into the .cpp file.